Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Study Visit: Luxembourg National Railways

15 June 2024

On 6th and 7th June 2024, the DCE welcomed a group of representatives of the Luxembourg national railways company, Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois, for a study visit on the topic of bike parking at train stations. This study visit took place in preparation of a project to build a large underground bike parking garage at the main railway station of Luxembourg city.

On the afternoon of 6th June, DCE project coordinator Nils Steinhäuser took the group on a walking tour of several bike parking garages at and around Utrecht Central Station, together with product experts Monique Harmsen (LumiGuide) and Bart Knol (Abel Sensors). This was followed by networking drinks and dinner with relevant participants of the DCE network.

On 7th June, the group gathered at the NS (the Dutch rail operator) offices at Amsterdam Central Station for a series of short and informative presentations. These included an introduction to the Dutch cycling context by Emma Stubbe, project coordinator at the DCE, followed by a presentation titled “Cycle parking at train stations, the Dutch experience,” by Wouter van Minderhout of the Dutch railway infrastructure operator ProRail, which also sponsored the visit. The next presentation by Edward Douma of NS covered daily operations, operational challenges and innovations in the field. Finally, Heleen Buijs and Maarten Oerlemans of the consultancy RHDHV covered the topics of wayfinding and design for high-quality cycle parking. The group was also joined by Simone Jorink of the consultancy Movares for further expert input.

The group of visitors and experts then went on a walking tour of various cycle parking locations at and near Amsterdam Central Station, looking also at wayfinding and cycle parking guidance and detection systems around the station. The day ended with a discussion of the finer details of, and advice for, the project in Luxembourg city, and a promise to keep in touch for further exchange.

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