Knowledge Green Parliamentary Group of the City of Berlin Visits Utrecht 9 July 2024 Cycling News On Tuesday, 9th July 2024, a group of fifteen politicians and staff from the Green party of Berlin’s city parliament and journalists visited Utrecht. The group was able to gain insight into how Dutch cities plan for, build for, and promote cycling through a lively programme organised by Nils Steinhäuser of the Dutch Cycling Embassy (DCE). The morning started off with an introduction to the development of cycling in the Netherlands by Emma Stubbe, project coordinator at the DCE, which promptly sparked many questions and thorough discussion. This introduction was followed by a presentation on “The Utrecht experience” by Lennart Nout, Urban Mobility Specialist at the consultancy Mobycon. The group then set off on a cycling tour to see key points of urban development and cycling infrastructure in the west of Utrecht. After lunch, Marco Mulder, Senior Transport Planner at Arcadis dove into the details of cycling infrastructure design with a second presentation. After another thorough round of questions and answers, the group jumped back on their bikes to explore the east part of Utrecht, where they were able to experience how infrastructure had been retrofitted to accommodate – and welcome – the bike as a key mode of transport. At the end of the afternoon, the DCE handed over the group to Belle de Gast, cycling mayor of Utrecht, for a questions and answers session over coffee and cake. The DCE was honoured to be able to guide the group through cycling developments past and present in Utrecht, and would like to wish its members all the best for their work to make Berlin more cycling-friendly.