Knowledge Quarterly Participant Meeting Q4 11 December 2024 General On Tuesday the 10th of December, we hosted our quarterly network meeting in conjunction with Gemeente Rotterdam. Participants were welcomed at Centraal Station in Rotterdam where they visited cycling infrastructure highlights such as the recently finished bike parking station, De Koopgoot. The ride finished up at Gemeente Rotterdam‘s fabulous building “De Rotterdam” where the presentations and networking would take place. After some time admiring the view, the network was welcomed by Lieven Nijs and Maurits Lopes Cardozo (Gemeente Rotterdam). They gave an update on the exciting developments around active mobility in Rotterdam. This included an call-in all the way from Barcelona from José Besselink, urban planner at Gemeente Rotterdam and Marijn Kik, mobility advisor at Gemeente Utrecht. They are working for a period in Barcleona and will bring their experiences and learnings back to the Netherlands. Dutch Cycling Embassy director, Skadi Tirpak gave a preview of the annual report and the DCE project team gave updates on our activities in key regions (DACH-L, USA, Ireland and ACTIVE projects). We also welcomed our new administrative assistant, Beth Royston. Finally, Goudappel gave an in-depth look into their recent report in collaboration with the Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. This gave the network an insight into the potential of cycling knowledge-sharing and business across a range of countries. The event was rounded off by a networking borrel overlooking the spectacular Rotterdam skyline.