Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Visit from Bern, Switzerland

25 May 2024

On 25th May 2024, a group of members of the Bern city parliament, experts on spatial planning, biodiversity and the mobility transition, representatives of environmental civil society organisations, consultants, academics, and journalists from the city of Bern, Switzerland visited the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s offices for an afternoon of presentations and discussion.  

Emma Stubbe, project coordinator at the DCE, welcomed the group and introduced the topic of the day with a presentation on how cycling developed in the Netherlands over the last five decades. Ruben Loendersloot of Loendersloot International presented on how to build a liveable city via cycling. Bernhard Ensink of Mobycon, a former politician himself, presented on the topic of project planning, including success factors and effective stakeholder management. 

The lively discussion that developed revolved around political challenges, the pace of change, and effective stakeholder management strategies. 

The group’s visit was organised by Läbigi Stadt, a civil society organisation that campaigns for a more liveable Bern. The DCE would like to thank Läbigi Stadt for its visit and interesting exchange. 

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Loendersloot International

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