Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

ThinkBike Workshop Washington D.C.

1 June 2023

Following up on earlier editions in 2010 and 2016, the third (!) ThinkBike Workshop in Washington DC took place for around 35 District Department of Transportation (DDOT) staff late March 2023. 

From the Dutch Cycling Embassy network, Emily Thomason (Mobycon), Dick van Veen (Dickvanveen), Lucas Snaije (BYCS) supported by Shelley Bontje (DCE) joined forces together with DDOT and executed the ThinkBike Workshop.

Will Handsfield (DDOT) kicked-off the workshop with sharing legacies from the previous workshops and introduced the challenging case studies which formed the red thread of the workshop. Before going out for a bicycle tour to visit and experience one of the cases, the DCE experts shared insights from their side so the participants of the workshop from the start looked at the cases with Dutch ‘’glasses’’ on.  

Throughout the workshop, the cases – 1) Fairlawn to Benning, 2) Logan Circle and 3) Montana Circle & Underpass- were analysed and discussed in small groups while the experts from DCE enriched the group with new theories, methods, and exercises. All contributing to making cycling accessible for everyone, such as traffic calming measures, quick design tips and discussing the fundamental question: if you build it, who will come?   

At the end of the workshop the participants presented their plans for all cases to the experts, the group and additional invited DDOT staff. We are all very much looking forward to the outcome in the years to come as a majority of the participants emphasized that the knowledge, they gained during the workshop will be of add value in many projects they are currently working on. As one of the participated shared the following: ‘’I found the three-step process of Hardware, Software and Orgware an innovative way to frame and solve our challenges.’’ And another participated added: ‘’I really found the discussion around social acceptance of cycling of use, and at the same time learning about the ways how to approach those challenges.’’ 

Additionally, during the ThinkBike Workshop week, the Dutch Embassy in collaboration with Greater Greater Washington, organised a public screening of the Documentary ‘Together We Cycle’ which documents the trajectory of the Netherlands’ built environment form car- to cycling-centric. The screening was followed-up by a Q&A moderated by Shelley with Emily, Lucas, Dick and Alex Baca of Greater Greater Washington.


A big thank you to all participants of the workshop who actively participated and enriched the Dutch team with insights from DC as well as a lot of gratitude to all co-organising partners who made the workshop happen as the third and already successful ThinkBike workshop!

The ThinkBike Workshop was made possible with support from DDOT, The League of American Bicyclist and the Netherlands Embassy in Washington, DC.  


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