Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

WRI Cities Emergent Bike Lane Webinar

19 October 2020

DCE joins webinar designed to help South American cities build entire networks of emergent bike lanes.

In response to the corona crisis, global cities—most notably Paris—are implementing entire networks of safe, emergent bicycle lanes. On October 8, 2020, the DCE’s Chris Bruntlett joined WRI Cities and a global group of experts to discuss the key design principles when building such a network.

The session was organized as part of WRI’s Vision Zero Challenge, which includes cities in Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, and El Salvador.

Following an introduction to Safe Designs for Emergency Cycle Lanes from the WRI team, an overview of the emergent bike lane deployment in Paris was presented by Alexander Santacreu of the International Transport Forum. Cities were then invited to share their own experience and questions about emergent bike lanes for discussion.

Panelists included Anne Eriksson, a Traffic Safety Engineer from Copenhagen, Anders Hartmann, a Senior Advisor from AsplanViak AS in Oslo, and Felipe Targa, Senior Urban Transport Specialist at the World Bank Group in Mexico City. The session was moderated by Claudia Adriazola-Steil, Director of Health & Road Safety at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. You can view a recording of the webinar here.

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