Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Study Visit: University of Kassel

6 June 2024

On 4th June 2024, the DCE welcomed students of the Cycling and Sustainable Mobility department of the University of Kassel, Germany, to Amsterdam with two presentations – one on the development of cycling in the Netherlands by Emma Stubbe, project coordinator at the DCE, and another titled “Strategies for special redistribution using Dutch examples: what if citizens were the planners?” by Ineke Spapé, emeritus Professor of integrated sustainable urban mobility planning and lecturer in mobility management at Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS).

The students were very engaged, and entered into a lively debate with each other and Dutch representatives in the room, on the many details and challenges related to developing cycling in cities. After the presentations and discussion, students had the opportunity to present their own draft research statements for their theses to receive feedback.  

On June 5th, the group went for a cycling tour of Utrecht, accompanied by Nils Steinhäuser, project coordinator at the DCE. This tour gave students the chance to engage with the city and its citizens up close, to allow them to draw insights for their theses. 

The DCE is proud to have a long-term collaboration with the University of Kassel and the cycling professor Angela Francke, and to welcome her students annually for an educational visit to the Netherlands. Thanks also to Lena Becker, intern at the DCE, for her organisational support for this visit. 

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