Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

CoVivere Webinar

10 September 2020

On September 10th, the Dutch Embassy in Italy organized the CoVivere webinar, in a follow-up of the much-appraised CoVivere report done by Decisio, showing the benefits of investments in cycling during the COVID-pandemic.

Geust speaker Paolo Ruffino of Decisio, spoke during this webinar, about Italian mobility changes since the start of the pandemic, and how that created business opportunities for Dutch companies. He also discussed the cultural differences, and how to bundle forces in order to be successful in the Italian market. He was joined by Swapfiets’s International Expansion Manager, Lucas Vroemen, as Swapfiets recently opened their first store in Milan. Goudappel’s Danny van Beusekom also spoke about their activities in the country.

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