Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Accelerating Cycling via Intelligent Solutions

11 June 2019

DCE leads ITS Congress session about how technology can help accelerate the shift to sustainable modes.

A majority of the transport sector’s innovation today is focused on motor vehicles, even though cycling is the fastest growing mode. So earlier this week, the Dutch Cycling Embassy led a session at the ITS European Congress in Eindhoven, that explored how cycling can accelerate the shift to sustainable modes via intelligent solutions.

Joining DCE Director Mirjam Borsboom on stage were the City of Rotterdam’s Jeroen Maijers, Goudappel’s Jos van Kleef, the Fietsersbond’s Saskia Kluit, and the Loendersloot Group’s Kees den Hollander.

Topics covered included traffic safety in relation to self-driving cars, visualizing the existing data on active mobility, and dockless bicycle sharing (and its related challenges). The session concluded with a discussion about the tremendous opportunities in this field, and how technology can be used to make the economic case for greater investments in cycling.

We look forward to continuing the conversation about how ITS can help make that case.

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