Cycling Experts Ben Schaipp Ben is a Dutch-German expert for cycling planning / infrastructure for more than 23 years and founder of FietsMeister, Rotterdam – consulting and design for cycling friendly cities. 2024-2025 he works at the city of Utrecht, next to his consulting, as a cycling infrastructure advisor. Ben was the author and advisor for the cycling policy / infrastructure in Leiden and for the cycling infrastructure program in Rotterdam and contributed to several national working groups. At the Dutch-Belgian consultancy TRIDÉE, he was advising and designing for several cities, regions and research institutes in BeNeLux, Germany and Switzerland. In Berlin he was working on public spaces at GRUPPE PLANWERK and in Hamburg at Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft. His expertise ranges from mobility transition plans, cycling policy/-program, consult and design of cycling friendly infrastructure like fast bike lanes, re-design of streets and intersections, concepts for bicycle parking, research, presentations, capacity building in various region’s. He was born in Augsburg (1979), studied and worked in Hamburg and Berlin, and lives and works in the Netherlands as a cycling expert since 2008. Let’s see where we can meet and exchange cycling progress. More information on and