Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone


Cycling Fellow Program

The Cycling Fellow program is organized to make your city more cycle-friendly. Cities that would like to qualify for this program are connected with a qualified Dutch Cycling Fellow by the DCE. The program entails three visits:

  • A two-day visit of one (or two) Dutch bike experts to a qualifying city. During that time, they are shown around by city representatives to experience the local bike culture and are made aware of the city’s mobility policies that are in place and the city’s ambitions;
  • Next, a delegation of the city will visit the Netherlands for several days. Participants will see two different Dutch cities to learn about the Dutch biking culture and the various facilities. Background information will be provided on how the Dutch bike culture developed over the years;
  • Concluding, the Dutch fellow(s) will revisit the city. This time the mutual lessons learned from both earlier visits will be combined with an emphasis to make the qualifying city more bike-friendly. Both city representatives and the cycling fellows will see how successful Dutch bike policies can be translated into the fellow city under the watchful eye of the Dutch bike expert.