Cycling Experts Matt Bearden Matt is an experienced transport planner and engineer. With his background in Transport Engineering and Program Management, Matt has knowledge and experience in delivering active mobility projects throughout the project cycle. Matt believes in a holistic approach to active mobility by ensuring proposed infrastructure meets the needs of all users, regardless of age or ability. With experience in engineering and construction from the U.S. and planning and design approaches from the Netherlands, his expertise ranges from strategic network planning to detailed design and implementation of key bicycling infrastructure. Matt is a licensed Professional Engineer from the US and moved to the Netherlands to further develop his expertise in bringing the bicycle to the forefront of the transportation system. This has provided him with valuable knowledge of best practices for bicycle infrastructure while understanding key contextual differences and challenges. In the past, Matt has worked on cycling projects in the U.S., The Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium and Turkey and he is deeply motivated to use his experience to continue improving cycling conditions all around the world.