Cycling for Everyone
Cycling Experts

Paul van der Ree

Profile picture of Paul van der Ree

Paul is one of the architects of studioSK (part of Movares) and is specialized in designing and realizing bicycle parking facilities and infrastructural bicycle projects such as bicycle bridges.

Paul is an architect, living in Amsterdam – Bike city number one. Paul doesn’t own a car and loves to bike and walk. Holland is a guide country: Dutch people like to bike. It’s healthy, good for the environment and democratic – everybody does it. And with the introduction of the e-bike the potential has even become bigger. Paul is a cycle expert in the group of a dozen architects and designers of studioSK, with an Amsterdam & Utrecht-based office. It is known for its innovative approach to research and high standard of design. The architects of studioSK are highly motivated and proud to be working in the field of Bicytecture.

A diversity of typologies for bike parking solutions is being developed doing research and at the same time building projects – also learning by doing and optimizing schemes and logistics. The focus in all our projects is spatial quality in public spaces, a clear logistic organization and orientation with use of daylight and natural wayfinding. Paul’s projects are characterized by a multidisciplinary approach at the intersections of urban planning, transport, culture and technology.

In developing a bike friendly, sustainable and healthy city with a dense network of infrastructure, bike hubs are becoming focal points. There was a time… when bike sheds were used as examples of what Architecture is not. They were lower than stables. Today bicycle architecture even improves our urban environment. There’s a smartness to bike parking facilities and a streamlined operation combined with high end architectural design.

One of Paul’s recent designs, the Gustav Mahler bicycle parking is situated next to the WTC station at the south of Amsterdam, close to the national airport. It is a perfect illustration of the state of the art and future level of design and comfort for the people parking their bicycles. It might be surprising but even in the heart of the banking and business center of Amsterdam people come to work by bike. To stimulate healthy urban living and to prevent public space slowly transforming into a ‘sea of bikes’ wasting precious space and time, an underground bike storage facility for 3000 bikes has been realized. On top of it a green park has been created adding to the environmental quality of the high-density area. The level of comfort is equal to the nearby transport facilities. The parking functions as a reception area for the offices with the same level of architectural design and spatial quality. The parking is inviting, safe, easy to find and easy to use, as close as possible to one’s goal.

Paul received his engineering degree as an architect from the University of Technology in Delft. He welcomes cities and municipalities as well as entrepreneurs as clients. Paul is an all-round team player with a focus on infrastructure and a love for crossovers between architecture, landscape and art. He likes to connect people and teaches at several Dutch Architecture Faculties and Academies.

Profile picture of Paul van der Ree

Paul van der Ree

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