Participants Ministerie IenW The Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways. The Netherlands is the number one country in the world when it comes to cycling. Our population of at least 17 million people shares 22.8 million bicycles. Our bicycle infrastructure is impressive: the Netherlands boasts a finely meshed network featuring 35,000 kilometers of (fast) bicycle tracks to go from A to B, but also for recreational purposes. Bicycle use is widespread in the Netherlands. In 28% of cases, people take the bicycle. In some cities, bicycles account for a much greater proportion. Nonetheless, opportunities exist for having more people travel by bicycle. After all, more than half of all car trips involve a distance shorter than 7.5 kilometers. This is a distance that most people find acceptable to cycle. And with the rapid advent of the e-bike, longer distances are quite cyclable as well.