Participants Bike-minded Design Consulting B.V. Bike-minded is a Dutch studio specialized in design and innovation for bicycle mobility. Our world needs better enabling conditions and more space for cyclists and pedestrians to move towards smarter sustainable mobility and better livable cities, in the Netherlands and across the globe. It is our belief that best design solutions are a result of an analytic and creative approach, close collaboration, and a shared vision. Our motto is: “Co-designing a bicycle friendly world”. Bike-minded is committed to design and improve bicycle networks, bicycle routes, infrastructure, and wayfinding. We collaborate with private and public organizations to develop cycling knowledge and policy. We are keen to develop efficient innovative concepts and solutions for complex nodes in the bicycle network such as intersections, bridges, underpasses, and other spatial design challenges. We can help your organization with cycling infrastructure design support like: Analyze technical possibilities and limitations in spatial and structural design challenges Co-design with local teams and stakeholders Explore user needs and context opportunities Ideate a wide range of design ideas and directions Visualize design ideas and issues for communication and stakeholder feedback Concept feasibility, cost and capacity Develop feasible mobility scenarios and strategies Bike-minded works on world class bicycle (infrastructure) projects in the Netherlands and abroad, a selection of recent projects: ‘Central Bikeway’ Bicycle Superhighway study, VTA Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority [USA] The LA River Bike Path in Los Angeles, Metro Transportation Authority [USA] Co-design and Bicycle Strategy with the City of Davis [USA] Book: Cycling and Dutch national infrastructure (Dutch and English version), Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (“Voorbeeldenboek Fiets, Rijkswaterstaat”) [NL] Fast cycling route wayfinding system and map design with the City of Eindhoven [NL]