Knowledge “Lunch & Learn” with Sustrans & the Dutch Cycling Embassy 30 January 2025 General On 28 January, Sustrans (Midlands region) and the Dutch Cycling Embassy hosted an insightful ‘lunch & learn’ session as a follow-up to a previous study visit and an online Q&A session. This session featured a compelling presentation and Q&A by Shelley Bontje, Project Manager at the Dutch Cycling Embassy. The session focused on four pre-identified topics, ranging from integrated transport planning to pedestrian design, inclusivity, the implementation of design guidance and policies, as well as funding and delivery challenges. One of the main points covered was the importance of considering the network as a whole—across all modes of transport—rather than focusing solely cycling routes. For example, the Dutch learned lessons from pilot projects which informed the principles of the CROW manual for cycling network design. In essence, these guidelines consist of: directness, safety, comfort, cohesion, and attractiveness. While these principles provide comprehensive recommendations, they are not legally binding, allowing for flexibility in adapting best practices to local contexts while maintaining high-quality infrastructure. Furthermore, the discussion explored the significance of multi-level funding schemes across municipalities, provinces, and national bodies in the Netherlands. This approach plays a crucial role in the development of cycling related infrastructure as well as a solid cycling culture. In summary, the session sparked an engaging discussion among attendees and highlighted the importance of ongoing efforts to improve cycling infrastructure and culture.