Knowledge What Does “#Fietsgeluk” Mean to You? 24 May 2022 Cycling News June 3rd is the fifth annual “World Bicycle Day”. To celebrate, we’re hosting a social media campaign! Recognizing its role as a simple, affordable, reliable, clean, and sustainable means of transportation, the United Nations has officially declared June 3rd World Bicycle Day. Representing the world’s leading cycling nation, the Dutch Cycling Embassy would like to take this opportunity to remind the world of the inclusive and egalitarian nature of cycling; and how it contributes to healthier, happier, more vibrant and accessible cities. This coming June 3rd, we invite you to share on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or LinkedIn) a photograph and a few sentences in response to the following question: What does #fietsgeluk (“bicycle happiness”) mean to you? Fietsgeluk (“bicycle happiness”) is a concept rising in prominence among Dutch planners and policy makers. It reflects the growing realization that transport has emotional, sensory and social qualities engineers have ignored for decades. Please contact Chris Bruntlett if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing your inspiring posts June 3rd!