Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone
Screenshot of virtual meeting with Phill Jones Associates, Oxfordshire County and RoyalHaskoningDV.

Virtual Exchange with Oxfordshire County Council

1 March 2023

On Tuesday, February the 28th, 2023, the Dutch Cycling Embassy together with PJA, Oxfordshire County Council and RoyalHaskoningDHV hosted a (virtual) session with a focus on rural cycle network planning to support urban cycle networks.

Sjors van Duren (RHDHV) shared his experiences from working on several projects in the Netherlands where rural cycle network planning belonged to the core of his tasks, among others te Rijnwaal path between Arnhem and Nijmegen as well as his contribution to te South-Limburg cycle network.

Almost 40 participates -based throughout Oxfordshire- attended the session. The chat was very lively, and many questions arose:

  • How important is colouring of cycle tracks?
  • How important is the lighting along routes?
  • Can cycle routes and bus routes be combined?
  • How did you go against the mindset of people and how does that affect the consultation phase of the scheme?
  • How low do motor traffic volumes need to be for a cycle street to be implemented? Or is the cycle: car ratio more important? And many more!

Sjors managed to answer as many questions as possible, while continuously transferring his knowledge by sharing a beautiful slide deck of inspirational images. Among others tips like: ‘’Involve the silent support’’, ‘’Create a high quality heavy good vehicle network’’ and as a closure ‘’You have to be creative (concerning finding funds)’’.

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Involved partners

Royal HaskoningDHV

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