Knowledge VCÖ Conference, Austria 16 May 2024 Cycling News On May 16, 2024, the Dutch Cycling Embassy (DCE) made a significant presentation at the VCÖ conference focused on enhancing accessibility to Austria’s bus stops and railway stations for pedestrians and cyclists. In Austria, four in ten rail passengers walk or cycle to the station, with this figure rising to half of all passengers in Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg. The VCÖ’s international virtual conference aimed to explore strategies to further increase these numbers. Emma Stubbe of the Dutch Cycling Embassy presented a case study on the Netherlands, where 68 percent of rail passengers walk or cycle to the station. She attributed this success to the attractive bike parking facilities at Dutch railway stations. Emma covered the design and implementation principles established by ProRail for creating high-quality bike parking facilities. After she then provided a virtual tour, featuring input from DCE network participant Studio Bereikbaar, showcasing various bike parking facilities at train stations across the Netherlands. These examples ranged from small to large, urban to rural, and modern to historic, illustrating how ProRail’s principles were applied in diverse contexts. The presentation sparked a candid and engaging discussion among Austrian, Dutch, and Danish participants, with numerous follow-up questions after the webinar, indicating a strong interest in adopting similar practices in Austria.