Knowledge UNESCO Bicycle4All Summit on World Bicycle Day in Paris 10 June 2024 Cycling News On Monday, June 3rd, 2024, Dutch Cycling Embassy International Relations Manager Chris Bruntlett participated in a special event to mark World Bicycle Day at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The summit was organized by the UNESCO Core Group “Bicycle4All’ composed of Austria, Azerbaijan, Kenya, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Poland, which was centered around a roundtable discussion on the topic of “The Bicycle as the Driver of Sustainable Development Goals”, in cooperation with the UNESCO Secretariat. Before the event, delegates were treated to a concert of Big Bike Orchestra from city of Bydgoszcz, Poland. The Roundtable provide dthe opportunity to discuss among member states and different stakeholders ways forward and possible actions aimed at strengthening the visibility and use of bicycle in the members states’ policies and within the UNESCO mandate. We were pleased to contribute to this inaugural session, and look forward to next steps in expanding the Bicycle4All program.