Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Supporting a Green Recovery in Portugal

1 March 2021

Dutch Cycling Embassy teams up with Netherlands Embassy in Lisbon to bring cycling expertise to Portugal.

During the coronavirus pandemic, cities around the world have demonstrated how substantial improvements in cycling infrastructure can be made in the short term; investing in their economy, environment, health, happiness, accessibility, safety, and social equity. In addition, the next Velo-city Conference—the world’s largest gathering of international cycling experts—will take place in Lisbon in September 2021.

In response to these new opportunities, in conjunction with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Lisbon, the Dutch Cycling Embassy presented the second in a series of free cycling webinars in the build-up to Velo-city. Experts from Portugal and the Netherlands shared their knowledge and experience with an engaged audience of politicians, planners, policy makers, and advocates. The aim: attractive and safe cycle networks for all ages and performance groups and to see where Portugal and the Netherlands can learn from each other’s experience in building safe, user-friendly and inclusive mobility infrastructure.

The second session, entitled “Bikenomics: How Cycling Can Support a Green Recovery in Portugal”, included contributions from Lisbon Deputy Mayor Miguel Gaspar, Kees van Ommeren of Decisio Onderzoek, and Ruben Loendersloot of the Loendersloot Group. The webinar was introduced by Netherlands Ambassador Nienke Trooster. You can watch a recording via our YouTube channel.

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