Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Participation in webinar series by the Swedish Transport Administration

25 October 2022

On October 25th 2022 the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s project manager Shelley Bontje participated (virtually) in the Webinar series prepared by WSP on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration.

The title of the presentation was ‘Innovative cycling solutions in the Netherlands’ and focused on five takeaways, overall emphasising that innovations do not always necessarily need to be high tech. As part of a cycling themed webinar, good examples regarding measures that provide climate benefits were discussed which can be copied or scaled up by other actors.

The Webinar series is part of the ‘Arena transport-efficient urban environment’ of the Swedish Transport Administration’s forum that contributes to the Swedish transport sector reaching the climate goals of 2030 and 2045. The examples presented will also be included in a report released by the Swedish Transport Administration.

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