Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

MassDOT Moving Together Conference

19 November 2020

DCE offers insights into e-bike usage at conference hosted by Massachusetts Department of Transport.

On November 18, 2020, the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s Chris Bruntlett partipated (virtually) in the Moving Together Conference organized by theMassachusetts Department of Transportation. The annual three-day event promotes the idea that walking, bicycling and public transportation are the key components for creating vibrant communities where residents can enjoy health, social and economic benefits in a variety of forms.

This particular breakout session was entitled “Planning for a Lasting Shift”, during which Chris offered insights into e-bike usage in the Netherlands, and how lessons might be applied to U.S. cities, particularly in a post-pandemic world (with reduced transit use and service). Panelists included Thomas DeVito from Lyft and Todd Litman from the Victoria Transport Policy Institute. You can watch a recording of the session here, and download a PDF copy of his slides here.

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