Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Launch of Panama’s New Cycling Network

5 August 2019

The Dutch Cycling Embassy were on hand at the launch of Panama’s new cycle network plan, entitled “Bici 2020”.

This week, Dutch Cycling Embassy Director Lucas Harms and Program Coordinator Nout Ramaekers are in Panama City, to attend the Gran Fondo Panamá, and emphasize the importance of everyday cycling there.

On Saturday morning, a mass bike parade took place. Over 2,000 cyclists roamed the streets of the new and the old part of Panama City. During the afternoon, the DCE informed visitors to the Granfondo exhibition about our worldwide activities. While road cycling is quite the popular sport in Panamá, everyday cycling still has its challenges as the city lacks a safe cycle lane network.

It is because of this challenge that during the event, a cycle network plan was launched, named  Panamá en Bici 2020. It aims to accomplish three objectives: to build a network of cycle lanes in the city, to build several inter-city express routes, and to build a facility where kid can safely learn how to cycle. The launch was attended by the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Health, and the guest of honour: Peter Sagan. Director Lucas Harms had the floor to briefly explain about the activities of the DCE, and what we can do for Panama’s mobility challenges.

Sunday was the race day of the Granfondo Panamá. DCE representative Nout Ramaekers took part in the road cycling route around Panama City. At the finish, a big event was organized where the DCE had its own stand. We look forward to wrapping up our visit with another day of meetings, including the Deputy Mayor of Panama City and Minister of Infrastructure.

For a photo gallery of our first two days in Panama, please click here.

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