Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

How Better Bikeability Boosts Walkability

9 October 2019

Our Walk21 Poster Presentation: “Ten Ways Improving Bikeability Can Boost Your City’s Walkability”.

On Tuesday, October 8th, 2019, the Walk21 Conference kicked off in Rotterdam. As part of our contribution to the program, we presented a poster entitled “Ten Ways Improving Bikeability Can Boost Your City’s Walkability”. To download a high-resolution version of the poster, please click here.

1. Cycle tracks shorten street crossing distances: The most obvious benefit of cycling infrastructure to people on foot: they don’t have to cross as many lanes of motorized traffic when they walk across the street.

2. Cycling can reduce the volume of motor vehicles: In combination with a reliable public transport network, cycling has the potential to reduce the volume of motor vehicles by directly replacing car trips.

3. Cycling infrastructure is “forgiving infrastructure”: Cycle tracks are a step towards systematic safety: streets that—in the event of user error—will minimize the risk of a collision, as well as limiting its severity.

4. Reduced exposure to air and noise pollution: By acting as a (often landscaped) buffer between the roadway and footpath, cycle tracks limit exposure to dangerous air and noise pollution to people on foot.

5. Speeds decrease; safety increases for *all* users: There is a relationship between the number of people cycling in a city, and safety for all users. In short: cars travel slower where there are more bikes.

6. Opportunities for social trust and interaction: Solving of traffic situations through eye contact and social cues can build a sense of trust, empathy, and goodwill among non- motorized road users.

7. Dedicated intersection design and signal phasing: When provided corner protection, a mid-block refuge, and dedicated light phasing, walking through intersections becomes more secure and comfortable.

8. “Eyes on the street” improves social safety: Where there are more people using a given street, particularly at slower speeds, the social safety of that space improves (thus attracting more people).

9. Economic vitality of shopping streets improves: Storefront retail directly benefits from more people cycling (and walking, of course), as they are more likely to stop and make spontaneous purchases.

10. Potential to replace trucks with cargo bikes: More businesses are discovering the benefits of shifting (some) freight deliveries—formerly made by heavy goods vehicles— to the nimble cargo bike.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the content of this poster, please feel free to contact us.

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