Knowledge Discussing Smart Cycling Data in Florida 12 May 2021 Cycling News Dutch Cycling Embassy teams up with Netherlands Consulate in Miami to bring cycling expertise to Florida. On Wednesday, May 12th, 2021, the Dutch Cycling Embassy hosted a discussion around smart data as part of the Florida DOT’s Statewide Non-Motorized Traffic Monitoring (NMTM) Program. The fourth in a series of webinars to celebrate “Bike Month”, this session was entitled “Non-Motorized Data Collection National and International Perspectives”. It included contributions from Johan Diepens of Mobycon, Herbert Tiemens of Gemeente Utrecht, Roland Kager of Studio Bereikbaar, Joost de Kruijf of Breda University of Applied Sciences, and Deodaat Boer of Cycle Data. The webinar was introduced by DCE’s Chris Bruntlett.