Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Delegation from Government of Jersey

17 October 2019

Dutch Cycling Embassy hosts two-study tour for high-level delegation from the Channel Island of Jersey.

On October 15th and 16th, 2019, the Dutch Cycling Embassy hosted a two-day study tour for a high-level delegation from the Channel Island of Jersey. In attendance were Deputy Kevin Lewis – Minister for Infrastructure, Tristen Dodd – Director of Transport, John Rogers – Director for Growth, Housing & Environment, and Tom Wherry – Head of European Relations.

The group approached the Dutch Cycling Embassy after a meeting with the Netherlands Consulate in London earlier this summer, and asked whether we could put together a program. We were more than happy to oblige, and after detailed discussions with them, identified five areas where Jersey was facing specific challenges, and could learn from our expert members:

– Development of rural cycling route for both transportation and tourism
– Stakeholder engagement and consensus-building needed for projects
– Improving the connection between cycling and existing bus network
– E-bike promotion, rebates, and policy/infrastructure considerations
– Cycling to school, including education, infrastructure and promotion

The first day was spent in Delft, where, after an introduction by the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s Chris Bruntlett, Shelley Bontje of Mobycon provided an expert presentation on cycling promotion and education. An afternoon bicycle tour of Delft was led by Mobycon’s Jason Colbeck, and the day concluded with one final presentation from Erik Tetteroo of APPM, who focused on multi-modal transportation and urban planning in the Netherlands.

Day two was spent at the Fietsersbond headquarters in Utrecht, where their own Wim Bot spoke about advocacy and governance in Dutch cycling policy, Hillie Talens of CROW focused on policy, rules, and regulations, and Folkersma’s Tosca van der Zwaag presented her company’s work developing rural cycling networks across the continent. The day was concluded with a 16 kilometre cycle tour, led by Ms. van der Zwaag, exploring the excellent rural cycling conditions—and excellent wayfinding facilities—to the west of Utrecht.

At the end of the second day, the group was incredibly appreciative of the experience and expertise provided by the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s network participants. We hope to expand this cross-channel collaboration in the months and years ahead, and continue to inform and inspire their work improving active travel for Jersey’s 170,000 residents.

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