Knowledge DCE visits University of Kassel 15 May 2023 Cycling News On 5th May 2023, a team representing the Dutch Cycling Embassy visited the University of Kassel’s Radverkehr und Nahmobilität (Cycling and Local Mobility) research group in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, part of the Institute of Transportation at the German university. During this study visit, the groups exchanged current research and perspectives on all aspects of cycling as a mode of transport, in Germany, in the Netherlands, and worldwide. Researchers from the University of Kassel then led a cycling tour through the city to show and evaluate some recent cycling infrastructure projects. The study visit took place as part of a bike ride from the Netherlands to the German city of Leipzig ahead of the VeloCity Conference’s 2023 edition. The team of cyclists was made up of DCE board member Herbert Tiemens, network member and expert Roel Lenoir, and DCE Project Coordinator Emma Stubbe. The Dutch Cycling Embassy would like to extend a warm thanks to Angela Franke for making the visit possible, to Maik Bock for planning the programme, and to colleagues Nivesh Dugar, Juan Pablo Diaz, Azeb Tesfaye and Marie Klosterkamp for their warm welcome and input during the visit.