Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

DCE joins trade mission to the UK together with partners

25 October 2022

From the 17th till the 19th the Dutch Cycling Embassy, together with its partners Argaleo, Mobility Label, FietsHangar, RoyalHaskoning and TU Delft joined 45+ businesses while participating in the Sustainable Mobility track of the Trade mission towards London, the United Kingdom. The trade mission was organized by RvO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency), the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Connekt.

Besides Dutch and British companies, knowledge institutes and city representatives, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Liesje Schreinemacher, and the Dutch Minister for the Environment, Vivianne Heijnen, as well as British representatives attended the event.

With sustainable mobility and the focus on micro-mobility the trade mission focused on the goals for net-zero emission and the efficient use of energy and resources. Decarbonizing transport is an important part of both the United Kingdom and the Netherland’s national climate strategies. With calls for cleaner travel ignited by the global pandemic, the United Kingdom aims to start a ‘green transport’ revolution – with an accelerated shift towards public and active mobility.

Program highlights included a matchmaking afternoon by Transfer, an impressive bicycle ride in Waltham Forest guided by Simon Munk and Jakub Mamczak from London Cycling Campaign and a session on connecting the dots: Active mobility for passenger transport by Sarah Simpson (RHDHV) and Phil Ellis (Beryl).

The United Kingdom and the Netherlands connected and are willing to cooperate to accelerate sustainable urban mobility together!

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