Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

DCE Brings Expertise to Waterloo Region

14 December 2020

DCE teams up with Netherlands Consulate General in Toronto to bring cycling expertise to Waterloo Region.

Cities around the world have demonstrated how substantial improvements in cycling infrastructure can be made in a relatively short period of time; investing in their economy, environment, health, happiness, accessibility, safety, and social equity. However, it is of the upmost importance that these changes are thoroughly considered and carefully implemented, to avoid common mistakes and adverse effects..

To address these opportunities and potential pitfalls in Waterloo Region—in conjunction with the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in TorontoRegion of Waterloo, and Bicycle Mayor of Waterloothe Dutch Cycling Embassy presented a webinar on Thursday, December 10th. Experts from the Netherlands shared their knowledge and experience with an engaged audience of politicians, planners, policy makers, and advocates.

The session, entitled “A Discussion on Sustainable Cycling Infrastructure in Waterloo Region”, included contributions from Herbert Tiemens from the City of Utrecht and Lennart Noutof Mobycon, and covered the following topics:

  1. Protected Intersection – Features, Design, Integration with Transit
  2. Separated Cycling Facilities – Design and (Winter) Maintenance

The webinar was introduced by Netherlands Deputy Head of Mission Jorn Leeksma. You can watch a recording via our YouTube channel.

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