Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

DCE at the Ontario Bike Summit

3 May 2023

On April 30th, 2023, the Dutch Cycling Embassy held a workshop in advance of this year’s Ontario Bike Summit, followed by various contributions to the summit itself over the course of Monday, May 1st and Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023.

The workshop was design-centred, with a theme of “Building A Successful Cycling City.” DCE network member and expert Maurits Lopes Cardozo applied his expertise in design thinking to make the workshop a resounding success, with the support of DCE director Lucas Harms.

The workshop was followed by a social and public engagement event, which included a screening of the film Together We Cycle and a discussion over some bites and drinks.

Lucas Harms then held the keynote speech during the opening of the Ontario Bike Summit, titled “Moving Forward Together: Advancing Safe, Inclusive, and Resilient Streets.”

Maurits Lopes Cardozo also spoke at the session “Integrating Active Transportation and Public Transit.”

Lucas and Maurits were delighted to be able to exchange knowledge with Canadian experts at the Ontario Bike Summit. The DCE would like to thank Eleanor Mcmahon and Janet O’Connell at the Share the Road Cycling Coalition for making DCE participation possible.

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