Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Cycling The Hague With Young Diplomats

31 March 2022

Dutch Cycling Embassy leads bicycle tour of The Hague for 24 young Dutch and British diplomats in training.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, the Dutch Cycling Embassy, along with network participant HODworks, lead a bicycle tour for a delegation of 24 young diplomats in training from the Netherlands and United Kingdom. The training program, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, brought together 12 Dutch and 12 British diplomats to focus on strengthening the bilateral relationship between the two countries. As the closing event for this three-day symposium, Chris Bruntlett and Erik Tetteroo led participants on a guided bicycle tour of The Hague, to illustrate first-hand its journey from car dominance to cycling city, showing dramatic photos of how The Hague was before the cycling revolution across the country.

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