Knowledge Creating the ‘Low-Car’ City in Denmark 15 February 2021 Cycling News DCE offers insights into creating ‘low-car’ cities in webinar hosted by Denmark’s Kollektiv Trafik Forum. On February 11, 2021, the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s Chris Bruntlett partipated in a webinar organized by Kollektiv Trafik Forum; an organization dedicated to increasing public transport investment and ridership in Denmark. This was the third and final session in a series dedicated to reducing car use in cities, targeting towards urban and transport planning professionals in Denmark. This particular session was entitled “Creating the Low-Car City”, during which Chris offered insights into the Dutch urban planning concept of ‘autoluw’; meaning ‘low-car’ or ‘nearly car-free’. He outlined concrete steps cities can take to ensure this current moment evolves into a lasting movement, where—in order to become more comfortable, social, and resilient places—private automobiles play a background role. You can watch a recording of the session here.