Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

Bikes and the Bottom Line in Metro Manila

23 May 2021

DCE provides keynote entitled “Bikes and the Bottom Line” for the Makati Business Club in Metro Manila.

On May 21, 2021, the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s Chris Bruntlett partcipated (virtually) in the third of a series of “Starter Sessions” offering business leaders in Metro Manila a “Guide to be a Bike-Friendly Business”, a collaborative effort between the Makati Business Club and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Philippines.

The keynote was entitled “Bikes and the Bottom Line”, during which Chris offered insights into best practice in Netherlands, including employee incentives, bike parking design, and cost-benefit analyses. The keynote was followed by a Q&A and breakout sessions with the participants. You can download a PDF copy of his slides here.

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