Knowledge Announcing New DCE Digital Formats 24 September 2020 Cycling News The Dutch Cycling Embassy is proud to present their new digital formats: webinars, tours, workshops, mentoring. Current circumstances call for an adapted offer of solutions for a society that faces challenges in health, prosperity, and mobility. With the current constraints in traveling, making use of a digital setting lowers the bar for entry. These solutions share the knowledge of the Dutch approach to a cycle-friendly city. Aiming for a high level of impact and quick decision making, the Dutch Cycling Embassy is proud to present digital solutions in various formats, each representing a different phase in the implementation process of cycling infrastructure. The first phase is meant to experience the Dutch cycling culture and become inspired by examples from the Netherlands. The Dutch Cycling Webinar and the Digital Study Tour represent this phase. The second step is to look at the local situation through the eyes of Dutch experts, together with local decision makers. The Digital ThinkBike Workshop and Digital Coaching represent this second phase. The various products are displayed and described below. Dutch Cycling Webinar An introductory webinar of 1,5 hours, designed to inspire and enthuse participants with thematic break-out sessions. This form of Cycling Diplomacy can be specified according to specific wishes and preferences zooming in at relevant subjects for the proposed city/region, with a potential paid follow-up program. Digital Dutch Cycling Study Tour The Dutch Cycling Tour is a one-day program especially put together for professionals and decision makers (or a broader audience if so desired). In this program “experiencing” and “learning” are key. This program can be divided into three essential parts: A presentation by a Dutch Cycling expert, customized to the specified city or region, its challenges and approach, taking into account local rules and regulations. A digital bike tour (using a 360 degrees camera) where the Dutch expert demonstrates the Dutch cycling experience on a bike and shows the group how the Dutch approach to cycling-inclusivity, stopping at important intersections, specific roundabout designs, or requested locations. Concluding, and based on the information gathered during the day, a discussion led by the Dutch expert will take place on the acquired knowledge and how this can be put into use in the cities of participating decision makers. It could also be an incentive for a follow-up session, if needed. Digital ThinkBike Workshop A multi-day program, where a team of two or three Dutch experts is connected with local decision makers and planners for two or three days. The workshops are intensive, interactive, and hands-on. The format is as follows: As a preparation for the Digital ThinkBike Workshop, a particular site or sites in the host city are identified by local planners and the Dutch experts involved to be the focus challenge of the workshop. The experts will research the current situation and come up with solutions for the presented challenge. After a public plenary introduction of the Dutch approach to transportation, the group is divided into teams (each with both Dutch and local experts representing a variety of interests) that will work in parallel to explore solutions that span practice and theory. These solutions are presented with for example drawings, designs, and a marketing strategy on the following day, in the presence of key stakeholders and anyone involved in the future of sustainable transportation in the city. Although we recommend a two- or three-day workshop to ensure the best possible results and most effective knowledge exchange, an intensive and tailor made one-day workshop is possible as well. Digital Dutch Cycling Mentoring This represents the availability of one or two Dutch experts to mentor and guide a specific team of decision makers (ideally after) having had the ThinkBike Workshop, to guide and help with the follow-up steps towards cycling-inclusive mobility. For example, this cooperation can be a 6-month program where expert and decision makers meet online every three weeks to discuss taken steps and planned developments. This improves the quality and safeguards the implementation of effective, complete, and safe cycling infrastructure, preventing pitfalls in the implementation process that affect the quality of the cycling infrastructure. For more information, download the document in English, French or German. If you’re interested in discussing a possible Dutch Cycling Webinar and / or the possible follow up options like Digital Study Tour, Digital ThinkBike Workshop or Digital Cycling Coaching, please get in touch!