Knowledge Amsterdam Tour for Botogá Mayor’s Office 10 October 2022 Cycling News On Sunday, October 9th, 2022, the Dutch Cycling Embassy participated in a program—including presentations and cycle tour—for the office of Bogotá Mayor Claudi Lopez. Mayor Lopez—who was visiting Amsterdam to attend the Bloomberg CityLab summit—approached the Dutch Cycling Embassy through our participant Cargoroo about experiencing Amsterdam’s famous cycling infrastructure and culture. We were more than happy to oblige, and after a talk about the bike-transit combination over breakfast by TU Delft’s Niels van Oort, her delegation—which included Director of International Affairs Luz Amparo Medina Gerena—took to the streets of Amsterdam. Highlights of the five kilometre bike ride included Jodenbreestraat—the site of the freeway fight that changed the course of the city’s history—and Alexanderplein—a busy intersection where City engineers had removed the traffic lights, with positive results. The tour closed with a tour of the AMS Institute, and a presentation on equity and inclusion by Mobycon’s Melissa Bruntlett. We hope this eye-opening experience inspires and invigorates her push to improve conditions for cyclists on the streets of Bogotá, which already boasts one of the largest networks of cycling infrastructure in Latin America.