Cycling for Everyone
Cycling for Everyone

ACTIVE Training in the Philippines

13 December 2024

Following the completion of a 500 kilometre bike network in 2021, the Philippines continued to promote active mobility. The Active Transport Project Office from the Philippine Department of Transport grew from 6 to 19 staff and continued to further initiatives on active mobility across the country. Various cities continued to develop and implement active mobility policies since.  The network expanded to almost 900 kilometres today.

To support ongoing and upcoming developments, the DOTr Active Transport Office partnered with Dutch Cycling Embassy (DCE) member GO-bility to prepare an ACTIVE training with a particular focus on ‘orgware’ and ‘software’ principles.

Trainers from GO-bility and Decisio delivered a 2-day training in Manila in November. 70 professionals participated from the Active Transport Project Office, other national government agencies, local governments, civil society organisations and private developers.

The objective was to provide knowledge and skills to enable them to create awareness and understanding of the benefits of active mobility and the necessity to develop and implement active mobility policies, including the development of active mobility promotion schemes and infrastructure.

Next to lectures participants experienced hands-on exercises, discussions, a screening of Together We Cycle, and more. They concluded with presenting their integrated ‘orgware-software-hardware- strategies to:

  • Develop active mobility policy plans highlighting the benefits such as economy, health, safety, climate change, road safety.
  • Develop promotion schemes using behavioural change insights and considering different target groups and their characteristics
  • Develop low-cost tactical urbanist interventions
  • Develop an approach to monitor and evaluate

The learnings of the training were extended to the National Bike day celebrations including bike rides, active mobility forum, exhibition and awards ceremony to recognize the initiatives of local governments.

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Involved partners

GO-bility, Decisio

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