Knowledge 2021 Safe Streets Summit Plenary 1 February 2021 Cycling News DCE joins plenary entitled “Moving Forward Together: Advancing Safe, Healthy, and Resilient Streets.” On January 29, 2021, the Dutch Cycling Embassy’s Chris Bruntlett partipated (virtually) in the Safe Streets Summit, a collaborative effort between the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency (TPA). The theme for the two-day event was “Moving Our Community Forward,” focused on the region’s continued collaboration for implementing safe pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities that promote healthy and resilient communities. The closing plenary was entitled “”Moving Forward Together: Advancing Safe, Healthy, and Resilient Streets”, during which Chris offered insights into the Netherlands robust cycling culture, and how these lessons might be applied to U.S. cities, particularly in a post-pandemic world (with reduced transit use and service). Panelists included Nadine Lee from LA Metro and Jack Gray from Ford Mobility. You can download a PDF copy of his slides here.