With more than 65.000 students studying in Utrecht, proper infrastructure to move around between the university, student housing and public transport hubs is crucial. The municipality of Utrecht decided that the existing infrastructure had to become more attractive, safer and faster. The existing route between housing area Overvecht and Utrecht Science Park was already traffic calmed by filtered permeability, but wayfinding and priority was difficult.
The cycling streets between Overvecht and Utrecht Science Park should make it more attractive to cycle to university, both from residential areas and from the commuter train station. In the residential streets, priority should be given to walking and cycling. Wayfinding via the red asphalt should be easier.
To make clear that priority in residential streets belongs to people in direct contact with surroundings, the streets were converted into bicycle streets.
Before the intervention, most of the bike lanes were already separated from motorized traffic. However, on residential streets, people cycling have to share the road with car drivers. To make clear that priority in residential streets belongs to people in direct contact with surroundings, the streets were converted into bicycle streets. These streets are recognizable by the red asphalt. Car drivers are still allowed to drive but are obligated to reduce speed. This will reduce the number of cars in the city as well, as cycling becomes the faster mode of transport.
1. To make the cycle street more recognisable, red coloured asphalt is ideal.
2. Alongside the route, there are extra bicycle parking racks and more green space was added to comfort residents of the converted streets.
3. The number of bike racks at train station Overvecht has been increased to accommodate the growing number of commuters as a result of the infrastructural improvements.
4. Traffic lights have been optimized by advanced detection to shorten the waiting time.overtaking with too little distance.
Bicycle Dutch (EN)