Cycling Experts Nander Zuidema Growing up from childhood in cycling city Houten in the Netherlands, I quickly became acquainted with the bicycle. At a fairly early age, my brothers and I were able to cycle independently to and from school because the infrastructure in Houten was built based on the needs of the cyclist. It wasn’t until I cycled to high school in Utrecht that I discovered that the safe cycling environment in Houten is unique. The bicycle has been my means of transport from an early age, but it was only after completing my Studies that the opportunity arose to delve deeper into the bicycle work field. This is how I started organizing and giving cycling lessons to vulnerable Utrecht residents who wanted to learn to cycle. From that moment on I really discovered how much the bicycle has to offer for people themselves, but also for society and the environment. I have now been working at SportUtrecht for over 5 years and I have a lot of experience in organizing cycling lessons, training cycling teachers, advising schools on traffic problems, organizing traffic education at schools and supervising volunteers. We do this to help all Utrecht residents understand and experience the benefits of cycling. Something I would like to share more widely